That one night

In 1990, Lia, Eleanor and Madison went for a weekend on holiday to celebrate Eleanor's birthday. The three of them were best friends sunce they were little. Lia was 17 years old with dark hair and hazel eyes, she was the shyest of the grup but one of the funniest people you would ever meet. Wherever she was, she  had with her a big smile one her face. Eleanor was turning 18, she was the oldest one, she was tall with brown curly hair and blue eyes. And finaly Madison also 17 was the the craziest one, she had  red hair and green eyes.
That night the girls went to the club, eveything was right till Lia saw someone. It was a boy she see in the beach that morning. When her friends saw her, they punched her near to this guy because they knew that won't get closer. Lia fall next to this boy. Moments later, they were talking, his name was Daniel, he was very sweet with her. Lia was having the best day ever until Eleanor called her so, as at that time the  movil phone disn't exist, they said about meeting in a bar in tree hours because the girls were living the next day. When she realised that her friends weren´t in the club she ran out where there was an ambulance. It was Madison, she broke her knee dancing. While they got to the nearest hospital, Lia told her friends about Daniel and about there meeting again, but when they went to the bar he wasn´t there, so the girls left a little note to Daniel in the bar and returned home and regrettably Lia never saw him again.


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