Diary Entry

23 november 1967
Dear diary:
   Today is was my birthday number 16 and it was awesome. When i woke up my mother made me special  breakfast and my father gave me some flowers from our garden. Later i went to the work with my large kneading. i ended knitting yesterday for the fisherman. After everyone came, a cake appeared and all of them started singing the happy birthday song, it was wonderful. After some minutes i started another kneating for the fisherman because he always ned a new one, after all he broke one every two days and had to use a new one .
   When i finished working i went home and started cooking becauce all my family and friends were coming to have dinner with me. Now eveybody have left and i'm sitting lonely remembering every lovely thing that had happpened.
   Tomorrow i will have my free day of work so i will rest all day long and visited around the city to buy something nice with the money people gave me today, maybe a nice pair of shoes
   With love, Marie


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