
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2015


Here are some things that happen durin and after the first world war in Germany

Tzar Nicholas II

Here is the description of one of the Tzar that ruled Russia


With my friend we made a presentation about Russia and Stanly so if you wana see it were it is:

Book review

The Phoenix The Phoenix was written by Sylvia Townsand Warner un 1940. She was born in 1983 and was a novelist and poet. This story took place in a park called "Poldero's Wizard Wonderland" after the second world war. The story is about how a cruel man takes care of a bird after it old owner's death. His name is Poldero and all he cared about was money, so this poor bird, had to suffer all his crazy ideas such as, be with other birds, surounded by cats, etc. Although this is a fantasy story it told about present ideas as, how man is adicted to money, this is why he does what he does, but at the en of the story some things get upside down and change in a strange way. To sum up, this is a story of a bird that have bad conditions because of this owner's ambition for money. Some people think that it is also a fairytail because it had a moral in it. I recommend this story for the ones who belives there's always a consequence for your actions.

Cuidado a quien agredes

Dos libros diferentes con dos autores diferentes pero con un tema en común. El Tonel de amontillado escrito por Edgar Allan Poe y la Lengua por Horacio Quiroga presentan la locura y venganza como tema principal.  Ambos narradores son  victimas de agresores (amigos suyos) tras ser insultados o de inventar historias falsas acerca de ellos. También son aquellos  que cometen el crimen con la intención de vengarse por lo sucedido, sin importar el daño que podrían causarles a sus agresores ahora convertidas en futuras victimas. El primer paso de su plan es engañarlos para atraerlos hacia su muerte. Por ejemplo, en la Lengua, el narrador lo atrae a su consultorio con la excusa que tenía un raigón en su boca, mientras que en el de Edgar Poe lo atrae con su obsesión favorita, el vino.  Mientras que en la Lengua la historia cobra vida en el consultorio de un dentista, el otro lo hace en las catacumbas de su Palacio, durante un carnaval. Las intenciones de ambos vengado...